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The CURIOOKids Malaysia Blog
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The CURIOOKids Malaysia Blog

How to raise successful children

CURIOO Parent Guide: Family Education


At CURIOOkids, we work together with Parents to improve student behaviors through guidance, encouragement and scientifically proven methods. 

Picture 1 how to raise successful children


Picture2 how to raise a successful children


Child behavioural development is a gradual and continuous process in which children require support, encouragement and challenges. 


Each child requires a safe and supportive home environment where they learn about boundaries and increasing responsibilities. A proven way to increase a child’s sense of responsibility and independence is to encourage them to complete a set of chores around the house each week. An example would be; if the child makes their bed 3 times a week, they receive a monthly monetary allowance.


How do chores impact child behavioural development?


“Kids like to feel needed and capable. Chores help with both,” says author and parenting coach Elisabeth Stitt. “They like being able to know they were the one who made the living room sparkle or saw to it that everyone had a sandwich ready for lunch.”


Stitt says that when parents frame chores in terms that make the work an important aspect of family membership (e.g., Saying, “In our family, we help each other”), kids see their work as being an important part of being a family member.


Additional benefits of children doing household chores:



Emmy Kissinger, a licensed school psychologist, explains that chores help a child develop awareness for the needs of others in the household. If a child has the task of vacuuming, he will be more likely to keep floors clean because he understands the time it takes to clean them.



Many chores require that a child decide when and how to complete a task which results in practicing responsibility through time management and planning ahead. Dr. Crystal I. Lee, licensed psychologist, emphasizes that responsibility is a “real-world” skill necessary for adults. Chores are developmentally appropriate ways to lead children to independence.



Children who are responsible for chores develop a strong self-esteem. Completing chores leads to feeling accomplished and confident about your ability to contribute.


Academic Research

Research Indicates that the children who have a set of chores have higher self-esteem, are more responsible and are better abel to deal with frustration and delayed gratification, all of which contribute to greater success in school, work and relationships.

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 


The best predictor of adult success was based on if they had begun doing chores at an early age… as young as 3 or 4.

University of Minnesota 20-year study


Psychosocial variables and biological processes from earlier in life predict health and well-being later in life. Researchers found that children who were given chores became more independent adults.

Harvard University 75-year Study



CURIOO + Parents = Together

Please have your kids complete 1 or 2 of the following chores on monthly basis to receive Cool Coins by CURIOOkids. Each completed task is worth 2 Cool Coins. By doing these weekly chores, the child improves or changes behavior especially collaboration, independence, perseverance, leadership and time on task.


The period of child development from 18 months to 12 years is well recognized as the “formative years in the development of behaviours and personality”. It is the time period where life-long values and habits are formed. Therefore, children are encouraged to complete activities that support the development of values, independence, concentration, respect and empathy. Acquiring these traits has an overwhelmingly positive impact on coping with the challenging teenage years when hormonal and social pressures substantially increase.


By starting NOW, we are setting up our children with the positive behaviours that contribute significantly to their achievement and satisfaction in life.


Select your chores


In each table below please select 2 or more tasks that you and your child agree s/he will complete on a regular basis.


1. Chose the appropriate table that corresponds the age of your child

2. Agree with the child on the 2 or more chores (tasks) they will complete

3. Agree with the child on any pocket money you will provide them to support the completion of the tasks

4. Establish your own family rules on the completion of the tasks

5. Explain why the tasks are important

6. Complete the calendar card and under a certain day enter the serial #for chore in the box of the date that chore was completed.

7. At the end of the month and completion of the calendar, bring the calendar to your Studio for the teacher to stamp the completed chores in the boxes. 

8. Your child can redeem a gift based on the Cool Coins won.


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picture 5 curioo parent guide

My Daily Chore Calendar


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Signed by Parents: ___________